Category: Uncategorized

How Can A Family Pursue Justice: Wrongful Death Case

Wrongful Death Lawyer If you happen to be elderly or terminally ill one of the concerns you’ll likely have is what will happen to your family after you’ve passed away, will they be less secure without you? In terms of a personal injury accident in which another person’s negligence has severely injured you and negatively

Why You Should Never Lie During Your Case

Personal Injury Lawyer The common children’s jeer “Liar, liar, pants on fire,” while playful does well in depicting a harrowing situation for those who lie in the legal field at any capacity. The system operates on the examination of truth and before every trial, the individuals who are testifying are placed under oath to speak

How a Wrongful Death Attorney Will Assist in Your Case

Wrongful death cases can be long and painful to endure. This is why you always need to enlist the assistance of a wrongful death lawyer, if you or someone you know is going through this. You should not have to face this burden alone. A lawyer will be able to take a large logistics burden

The Basics of Medical Malpractice

Someone who has been harmed due to a hospital or healthcare provider’s negligence may be wondering if they have been a victim of medical malpractice. This is defined as the deviation by a medical professional from the standard quality of care expected in a situation. Keep reading for more information on who can sue for

Can I Sue a Business For a Personal Injury?

Premises Liability Lawyer Whether or not you can sue a business for your personal injury depends on the circumstances surrounding the accident or event that led to your injuries. While most PI lawsuits are against the person whose negligence or wrongdoing caused the injury, sometimes you can also sue the business behind the individual, such

What To Do If You’re Injured By a Drunk Driver

DUI Lawyer It’s illegal to drive drunk in every state, but those laws don’t seem to prevent accidents with drunk drivers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that in the United States, every day, about 28 people die in drunk driving accidents. That doesn’t take into account the number of accidents without fatalities. If

    Client Review

    “Davis & Brusca did an extremely through job on our case. I found their compassion and understanding during difficult times to be in measurable. I highly recommend this firm.”
    Mimi S
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    Schedule a consultation with one of the dedicated lawyers at Davis & Brusca, LLC