
Smaller Cars: Are You at risk?

The push for fuel efficiency and green vehicles, not to mention simple roadway congestion, has led to an increase in the number of smaller vehicles on the roadways.  Drivers of these vehicles derive a number of benefits, but are also at risk in the event of an accident with a large truck or SUV.  According

Uber’s Impact on Car Accidents

A study recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has found that the rise in popularity of ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft has resulted in a decrease in drunk driving related car accidents. Although this news is a positive indicator, the results are not as encouraging as they may seem. The study only found

Nursing Homes Lack Basic Emergency Preparation Plans

Violations but no Consequences In the past four years there have been 2,300 violations of emergency-planning rules at nursing homes around the country, but only 20 of these were deemed serious. Even repeated lapses resulted in no consequences as evidenced by the 1,373 nursing facilities that received more than one citation for failing to inspect

Attorney Mike Brusca: Speaking Engagements

Attorney Mike Brusca recently discussed “Dealing with Defense Strategies” during the American Association for Justice (AAJ) “In-Depth Look at Cost Reports” seminar on October 20. The AAJ provides trial attorneys with information, professional support, and a nationwide network that enables them to most effectively and expertly represent clients. On November 17, Mike will speak at the

Picking a Nursing Home

Many people have no idea how to select a nursing home.  Unfortunately, this decision is typically made under stressful circumstances without advanced planning.  Often, the choice must be made in a short period of time.  As a result, this important decision is many times made with little to no information.  There are, however, some resources

Nursing Home Workers Spread Infections

A new study identifies the failure to change gloves as a significant factor in the spread of dangerous pathogens in nursing homes and long-term care facilities (LTCF). The study from the University of Iowa College of Nursing was published in the September issue of the American Journal of Infection Control, the journal of the Association for

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    “Davis & Brusca did an extremely through job on our case. I found their compassion and understanding during difficult times to be in measurable. I highly recommend this firm.”
    Mimi S
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