Category: Uncategorized

Handling A Personal Injury Claim Involving A Minor

Managing a Personal Injury Claim for a Child Watching your child endure pain is heartbreaking. This is especially true when there is nothing you can do to ease the pain they are suffering. If your child has been injured do to the negligence of another person you will surely want justice.  The best way to

How to Report A Car Accident to The Police

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, one of the first steps is to call the police. Many people think getting the police involved will complicate things, but the truth is it may make things simpler. Read on to find out when, why, and how you should report a car accident to the police.

Recent Abuse Case in Chicago

Home health aides are tasked with caring for very vulnerable people – folks who typically suffer from cognitive impairments and have little to no short-term memory.  Technology is proving what we could only suspect in the past.  Now, with nanny cams, family members can monitor their loved one when they cannot be there. A recent

Nursing Home Abuse Goes Unreported

Nursing Home Abuse A recent probe conducted by the inspector general’s office of the federal Department of Health and Human Services revealed that one in every four cases of suspected physical or sexual abuse against nursing home residents went unreported to local law enforcement agents. Federal law requires that nursing home administrators, doctors, and nurses report suspected

Chinese Car Makers Announce Safety Advances

Twelve Chinese car makers have announced that all new models produced in China  as of  January 2018 will be fitted with Electronic Stability Control (ESC) systems. ESC is an anti-skid technology that improves vehicle stability by detecting and reducing loss of traction. Loss of control is minimized with computer technology that automatically applies the brakes when

    Client Review

    “Davis & Brusca did an extremely through job on our case. I found their compassion and understanding during difficult times to be in measurable. I highly recommend this firm.”
    Mimi S
    Client Review

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