5 Things To Do When You’ve Just Been in a Car Accident

Car Accident Lawyer

Car Accident Lawyer

If you’ve recently been in a car accident, you may be curious how to properly collect documentation, contact insurance, and pursue legal action. Although laws and procedures can vary from state to state, there are some steps you can take after an accident no matter where you are. With professional guidance from an accident lawyer, you can be sure you’re aware of all of the options that you have, explains a car accident lawyer from a law firm like Tuttle Law, P.A.. Here are five things you can do when you’ve just been in a car accident. 

1. Call the Authorities

Call the police and, if necessary, an ambulance for any severe injuries. The police will take a report that you can obtain a copy of and keep for your records. After the initial assessment of the accident, make sure you consult a doctor to determine the full extent of your injuries.

2. Take Photos

While waiting for the police to arrive, take as many photos of the scene as possible. Remember to get both vehicles, close-ups of vehicle damage, and pictures of any apparent injuries. These will come in handy when dealing with any legal proceedings. 

3. Collect Information

Collect the driver’s license number, license plate number, full name, and insurance information from anyone else involved in the crash. If there were any witnesses, collect their information as well. 

4. Contact Insurance

Insurance companies often require you to contact them as soon as possible, so don’t wait too long to reach out. Ensure you’ve gathered the facts and documents above and fully cooperate with any standard questions and procedures. 

5. Seek Legal Guidance

Contacting an attorney is your best bet to ensure you are appropriately compensated for any damages incurred during the accident. A lawyer who frequently deals with car accidents should know the best next steps forward and be very familiar with helping with every step of the process. A lawyer can let you know how to protect yourself best legally and can lay out your options for a settlement and beyond. 

 Being in a car accident can be a scary and stressful experience. If you are at a loss for what to do, the above steps can get you started on a path forward. As always, seeking legal counsel can be essential in making sure you are getting the damages you need to thrive. Reach out to a car accident lawyer who specializes in car accidents today for extra guidance and support.